Survey Panel News

PointClub’s New Website Redesign

Pointclub website
Written by SurveyPolice

This May, PointClub completely redesigned their online survey panel website. With optimizing member experience in mind, PointClub has revamped their website to make it easier to navigate and more fun to look at, while adding some new member features. Some of the highlights of this update are listed below.

Experiential dashboard

The brand new intuitive dashboard allows for contextual messaging straight from Captain PC and his team. Whether alerting members about their activity, account status, or simply spotlighting a special opportunity, this new form of communication should make it easier to find out what’s new in the PointClub community.

Updated help center

To ensure members aren’t left in the dark, the help center now provides handy FAQs and clearer channels to the support team.

New sidebar feature

To address member complaints that “fun stuff” was only happening on social media, the new sidebar showcases unique offers, fun contests and quizzes, promotions, and additional earning opportunities.

Member Guidebook

Pointclub MemberguidebookThe Member Guidebook is a highly detailed, engaging backstory into the character world of PointClub. With a comic book flair, it melds tips and tricks with character backstories that aims to delight and captivate your inner superhero.

Core functionality remains the same

PointClub’s website update was mainly a cosmetic one, with the interface changing, but the core components remaining the same. Aside from the new features listed above, the survey taking process, rewards options (PayPal, 80+ gift card options), and even Captain PC himself remains the same.

Future additions planned

Although PointClub is mum on what new features they’re working on, this redesign is said to have set the foundation for new features in store for the months ahead.


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