C2 Consumer Research Reviews and Features

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C2 Consumer Research

205 Vernon Street, Suite A, Roseville, California   95678 US
Tel: 1-916-788-1340   Contact: [email protected]
Operated by: C2 Research


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checkmarkCash paid via PayPal

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checkmarkOnline surveys checkmarkOnline focus groups checkmarkIn-person focus groups checkmarkTelephone surveys

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checkmark No points system
Cash is paid via PayPal.

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C2 Consumer Research is a boutique market research firm that was established in 1997. They offer expertise on hard to reach target groups for a variety of businesses.

Participate in Online, Telephone or In-Person Research

As a member of C2 Consumer Research, you may be invited to participate in focus groups (usually about 8-10 people), interviews (one-on-one) and surveys. Members can be invited to participate online, over the telephone, or in-person. They usually invite users to 1-2 focus groups a year.

Variety of Topics

Research opportunities are on a variety of exciting subjects such as employment trends, video games, travel, product testing, beverages and consumer goods. As a participant, you may be asked to watch a TV pilot, commercial, taste-test a new product or comment on new packaging.

Earn Cash!

Typical honorariums of between $75.00 - $200.00 are offered depending on the length and complexity of the study. C2 has a company policy to never accept projects unless honorarium is paid to participants. To register, visit their website to fill out their questionnaire.

New Studies

C2 Research will contact you (by phone or email) with an offer to participate if they have a focus group that matches your interest. Typically, there may be additional research questions that must be answered to narrow down the appropriate candidate for the project.

Eligibility: Worldwide 18+

C2 Consumer Research Reviews (6)

5 Star Reviews (3) 50.0
4 Star Reviews (1) 16.7
3 Star Reviews (0) 0.0
2 Star Reviews (0) 0.0
1 Star Reviews (2) 33.3

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September 17, 2010 by Millie from United States

I attended a focus group and it was very professional. I really enjoyed the theme as well as the members. The facilitator was great. This is a real legitimate company.