Alumni Opinions Reviews and Features

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Alumni Opinions

6 Research Drive, Shelton, Connecticut  06484 US
Tel: 877-254-1234   Contact:
Operated by: Dynata


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A $5 contribution will be made to your alma mater every time you complete a survey.

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SITES LIKE Alumni Opinions

QuickThoughts, Opinion Outpost, Branded Surveys

Alumni Opinions permanently closed in 2019.

Alumni Opinions is an exclusive online community, free to join, for people that want to give back to their alumni association. As a member of Alumni Opinions, you will have the unique opportunity to give back to your alumni association by participating in online surveys regarding a wide array of interesting topics. Alumni Opinions is part of Dynata, a leading research company that manages multiple panels throughout the world.

Unfortunately, Alumni Opinions is no longer operational. Click the button to discover survey panels that are running and are actively looking for new members!

A New Way to Support Your School!

For every survey you take, a $5 contribution will be made to your Alumni Association! Support your alma mater in a new and fun way! You will receive emails to your email address that will allow you to participate in survey opportunities. In addition to survey invites, you may receive emails providing helpful tips on how to optimize your experience. You are also able to take surveys by logging into your account at any time. There is no minimum of how much you can donate!

Does Your State Qualify?

If you reside in Alabama, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Mississippi, or South Carolina, you are not eligible for registration with, or for participation in surveys offered through, the Alumni Opinions survey panel. If you reside outside these states, you will be eligible to participate.

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