SurveyOptimus Reviews and Features

SurveyOptimus website screenshot


31 Deer Run Cir, San Jose, CA  95136 US
Tel: 704.268.4237   Contact: [email protected]
Operated by: MROptimus


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checkmarkOnline surveys checkmarkTeen surveys

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Redeem 2500 points for a $20 e-voucher, or request a PayPal payment with at least 10,000 points in your account.


Get rewarded for your opinions

Earn points in exchange for completing surveys. Point amounts will vary depending on factors including the length of the survey and its complexity.

Shortly after fully registering with SurveyOptimus, you will be sent your first paid survey. A link containing the survey will be sent to the e-mail address that you have provided on the signup form.

Reward options

Earn points for every online survey completion. When you accumulate at least 2500 points in your account, you can redeem them in the form of $20 gift vouchers from Amazon, Google Play, iTunes and more. Cash out your earnings for a PayPal payment with 10,000 points in your account.

Points conversion

1 point = $.008. Therefore, $1.00 = 125 points. A minimum of 2500 points ($20) is required for rewards redemptions.

Fill out your profile for more surveys

The more profile information you provide when you sign up with SurveyOptimus, the more likely you are to receive paid survey invitations. During registration, you will be asked how frequently you would like to participate - ask for more surveys in order to be contacted more often.

Depending on your demographic profile and client demand, you can expect to receive anywhere from 1-5 paid surveys per month.

Watch for Inactivity

Note that no activity on your account within 90 days or more will results in an account and points change to an inactive status. SurveyOptimus will send reminder email messages at the 30 day and 60 day period, alerting you that inactivity within your account and on survey starts will deactivate your membership at the 90 day mark. A final reminder email will be sent 1 week before the 90 day inactivity period is achieved.

Eligibility: Users worldwide, 15+ (note that USA residents are likely to have the most success with the program.)

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